Grow your Dreams

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Getting Connected! So important for all of us and for so many of the things we might enjoy as well. Think about it, we connect our computers to a Power source and then Connect to the internet in order to Connect to so many other things; music, videos, personal aids, house hold aids, other people and other ideas and so much more. I was surprised , pleased, and blessed today to get re Connected to a friend that I had thought about only a day before, and as a result of that Connection, was able to set up an additional way to get Connected. To day, I also added PLAXO on line, an additional service through Google. It seems to have a wealth of ways to Connect you to many sites already on your computer and make that information available to those you choose, quickly and easily. Much more to learn before I say more. Moving on from the idea of Connecting, What about the Power Source. The wall socket, battery etc. , takes care of the "Things" , but we need a power source as well. For me , it is my faith. Faith in God, Faith in my fellow man, Faith, that each day something new and wonderful will happen if I encourage and let it happen. In other words, you have to have an expectation, a Dream if you will, and then you must make choices in order to make it real. Yes, sometimes things do seem to just happen, but in the larger scheme of things it takes planning and expectation. So make your expectations high and then get out there with planning and action. Dare to Dream then make it work for you. Have a Great day. 58Chevy Imp.

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